Israel Trip 2018


Our annual Israel trip has ended also this year (Oct. 31th- Nov. 5th) with a big sucess both in participations and in satisfaction.
Around 20 people hunting for experiences in the israeli universe. The big religions in comparison, with their archeological and spiritual sites, and the experiences of a very modern Country, which deservs always new surprises. A trip also in the spirit of memory, with the visit to the Yad Vashem, and of art with the experience of a whole afternoon dedicated to the Israel Museum, with its permanent collections, its artifacts and the peerless discovery of the Schreine of the Book, which keeps the Qumran scrolls, which has been found near the Dead Sea.
We was received in the residences of Israeli Friends, who have welcomed us with a special hospitality that made us feel like home, as it often happens with the Friends of the Museum.
Browse this pdflink for reading the program.

Here you can also find a collection of photos representing the itinerary of these 6 days.

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