International Friends

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem – POB 71117 Jerusalem, 9171002 Israel – Tel. 972.2.670.8098 – Fax 972.2.677.8993 –
The Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and is ranked among the world’s leading art and archaeology museums. Founded in 1965, the Museum houses encyclopedic collections, including works dating from prehistory to the present day, in its Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Jewish Art and Life Wings, and features the most extensive holdings of biblical and Holy Land archaeology in the world. In just forty-five years, thanks to a legacy of gifts and generous support from its circle of patrons worldwide, the Museum has built a far-ranging collection of nearly 500,000 objects, representing the full scope of world material culture.

Fondazione Marino Golinelli

The Fondazione Marino Golinelli (FMG) was created in 1988 and announced during the celebrations for the 900th anniversary of the founding of the University of Bologna. 
Recognized by Decree of Presidency of the Republic on 2 October 1989, it is now a national reference point in the field of promotion of scientific culture. 

Since its creation, the Foundation operates with the school system and the public sector through innovative, original initiatives and projects, to make a contribution to the birth of the future knowledge society.
Besides supporting research, producing original informal educational projects and promoting encounters and debates, starting in 2000 FMG has developed educational training projects capable of stimulating discussion, improving the relationship between citizens and schools, universities and research, the world of business and work, so that research and innovation can play an increasingly important role in the future of our country.

This is the perspective behind the Life Learning Centee, created in 2000 through cooperation between Fondazione Marino Golinelli and the University of Bologna. Today, the LLC is the operative division of FMG for research, training and education on the Life Sciences.


ARTEPRIMA is a cultural association based on the following principles:

A suburb is a place where contemporary culture cannot enter and grown. An area impenetrable both to knowledge and to notions which are vital nourishments of human being.
Knowledge is a fundamental value for the development of open-minded people. That’s why our goal is to share what we, our artists and our cultural operators know.

Through art it is possible to get real values such as intelligence and lateral thinking. Art helps to preserve the memory and to stimulate the imagination by creating knowledge and awareness.


Associazione Amici Arte Contemporanea Italiana è nata nel 2003 per volontà della sua Presidente Gemma De Angelis Testa ed oggi ne fanno parte circa un centinaio di soci, tra cui spiccano i nomi più significativi del collezionismo italiano. L’Associazione si è costituita con l’obiettivo di sostenere l’arte e gli artisti italiani e di promuovere la costituzione di un museo pubblico di arte contemporanea a Milano, attraverso un dialogo costante con le Istituzioni cittadine. Lo spirito di ACACIA è quello di evidenziare il ruolo del collezionista attivo, assumendosi la responsabilità di una coscienza pubblica, operando concretamente perchè l’arte contemporanea sia promossa, conservata e tutelata.

L’Associazione in questi anni si sta battendo non solo per ottenere un “contenitore” adeguato e propulsore dell’arte contemporanea italiana a Milano, ma anche per dotarlo di una collezione affiancata da prestiti e donazioni. ACACIA sin dalla sua costituzione, ha attivamente cooperato con diversi protagonisti della scena culturale nazionale e internazionale elaborando un ricco programma di attività culturali per il pubblico. L’Associazione propone e cura eventi culturali come workshop e conferenze, tra cui i fortunati cicli di incontri sull’arte contemporanea tenuti al PAC nel 2004, nel 2005 e l’ultima serie nel 2009 con l’intervento di importanti critici e curatori internazionali.

American Friends of The Israel Museum

545 Fifth Avenue, Suite 920
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212 997 5611; fax: 212 997 5536
750 N San Vicente Blvd. Ste. 800 West
West Hollywood, CA 90069 
Tel: 310 557 1061 x323 


Israel Museum Council of the Bay Area

c/o Ronit Widmann – Levy
947 Pendleton Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Tel: 916 2209045

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British Friends of The Art Museum of Israel

176 Prince of Wales Road, London
Tel: 203 092 4643

Les Amis Français du Musée d’Israël à Jérusalem

95 Boulevard Berthier
75017, Paris
Telefax: 01 47 23 58 28 
Tel: 33 (0) 6 86 33 22 85

Canadian Friends of The Israel Museum

Israel Museums and Arts, Canada

262 Warren Road
Toronto ON M4V 2S8
Tel 416.901.2231
General Email:

Belgian Friends of The Israel Museum

c/o Valérie and  Avi Keitelman,
Avenue René Gobert 46, B 1180 Brussels
Tel: 32 477 77 53 61


The Association of Friends of the Israel Museum in Germany

Halenseestrasse 1, 10711 Berlin
Tel: 030 891 97 70
Fax: 030 891 98 87

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Austrian Friends of the Israel Museum

Mirabellplatz 2
5020 Salzburg
Tel: 43 662 881393
Fax: 43 662 8813939

The Israel Museum Australian Ambassador’s Circle

Sherman Centre for Culture and Ideas
20 Goodhope Street, Paddington
Sydney, NSW 2021
Tel: 61 (0)283 760 850

Brazilian Friends of the Israel Museum

AABIM – Associação Amigos Brasileiros do Israel Museum
c/o Denis Terpins
Av Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.461
4° Andar – CJ 44 – Sala 17 – Torre Sul
São Paulo, SP Cep 001443-010

Hong Kong Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Patricia and Marc Zilkha
Suite 1901 St. George’s Building
2 Ice House Street
Hong Kong


Israeli Friends of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Tel: 02 670 8815, 02 677 1344
Encompasses Yedidim, Patrons, Guardians, and Corporate Members

Mexican Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Benjamin Bross Umann, President,
Av. Del Conscripto 360 PB
Lomas Hipodromo
53900 Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico

South African Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Marco van Embden / Sarin Goott
P.O.Box 21604 Kloof Street
Cape Town 8008
Tel: 27 21 461 9001
Fax: 27 21 461 9101

Spanish Friends of the Israel Museum

Fundación Amigos Del Museo De Israel
Calle Ayala 13. 28001 Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34 91 781 24 79 
Fax: 34 91 578 38 23

Swiss Friends of the Israel Museum
Schweizer Vereinigung der Freunde des Israel Museums

c/o Max Lang 
Gartenstrasse 38, CH – 8001 Zürich
Tel: 41 44 980 27 00

American Friends of The Israel Museum

545 Fifth Avenue, Suite 920
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212 997 5611; fax: 212 997 5536
750 N San Vicente Blvd. Ste. 800 West
West Hollywood, CA 90069 
Tel: 310 557 1061 x323 


Israel Museum Council of the Bay Area

c/o Ronit Widmann – Levy
947 Pendleton Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Tel: 916 2209045

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British Friends of The Art Museum of Israel

176 Prince of Wales Road, London
Tel: 203 092 4643

Les Amis Français du Musée d’Israël à Jérusalem

95 Boulevard Berthier
75017, Paris
Telefax: 01 47 23 58 28 
Tel: 33 (0) 6 86 33 22 85

Canadian Friends of The Israel Museum

Israel Museums and Arts, Canada

262 Warren Road
Toronto ON M4V 2S8
Tel 416.901.2231
General Email:

Belgian Friends of The Israel Museum

c/o Valérie and  Avi Keitelman,
Avenue René Gobert 46, B 1180 Brussels
Tel: 32 477 77 53 61


The Association of Friends of the Israel Museum in Germany

Halenseestrasse 1, 10711 Berlin
Tel: 030 891 97 70
Fax: 030 891 98 87

Visita il sito

Austrian Friends of the Israel Museum

Mirabellplatz 2
5020 Salzburg
Tel: 43 662 881393
Fax: 43 662 8813939

The Israel Museum Australian Ambassador’s Circle

Sherman Centre for Culture and Ideas
20 Goodhope Street, Paddington
Sydney, NSW 2021
Tel: 61 (0)283 760 850

Brazilian Friends of the Israel Museum

AABIM – Associação Amigos Brasileiros do Israel Museum
c/o Denis Terpins
Av Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.461
4° Andar – CJ 44 – Sala 17 – Torre Sul
São Paulo, SP Cep 001443-010

Hong Kong Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Patricia and Marc Zilkha
Suite 1901 St. George’s Building
2 Ice House Street
Hong Kong


Israeli Friends of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Tel: 02 670 8815, 02 677 1344
Encompasses Yedidim, Patrons, Guardians, and Corporate Members

Mexican Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Benjamin Bross Umann, President,
Av. Del Conscripto 360 PB
Lomas Hipodromo
53900 Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico

South African Friends of the Israel Museum

c/o Marco van Embden / Sarin Goott
P.O.Box 21604 Kloof Street
Cape Town 8008
Tel: 27 21 461 9001
Fax: 27 21 461 9101

Spanish Friends of the Israel Museum

Fundación Amigos Del Museo De Israel
Calle Ayala 13. 28001 Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34 91 781 24 79 
Fax: 34 91 578 38 23

Swiss Friends of the Israel Museum
Schweizer Vereinigung der Freunde des Israel Museums

c/o Max Lang 
Gartenstrasse 38, CH – 8001 Zürich
Tel: 41 44 980 27 00