Venice Trip 2022 – in occasione della 59 Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte (Biennale)

Si è tenuto dall’8 all’11 Settembre il viaggio di AIMIG e gli International Friends a Venezia, in occasione della 59° Biennale dell’Arte Contemporanea The Milk of Dreams, a cura di Cecilia Alemagni. Un programma di 3 giorni e mezzo ricco di attività che hanno entusiasmato tutti e 36 i partecipanti che sono intervenuti da 6 Paesi diversi (Italia, USA, Israele, Francia, Svizzera, Canada).

Di seguito potete vedere alcune foto scattate durante il viaggio e leggere il programma.


Thursday, Sep. 8th

  • Starting the afternoon with: Hotel registration desk at Santa Chiara and Bauer
  • FONDAZIONE BERENGO ART SPACE, an old abandoned furnace that was transformed into an evocative exhibition space a few years ago. The seventh edition of Glasstress exhibition displays works by artists who have already collaborated with Berengo Studio, such as Ai Weiwei, Jimmie Durham, Tony Cragg as well as first-time participants Vanessa Beecroft, María Magdalena Campos-Pons, and Paloma Varga Weisz, among others.
  • Welcome Dinner at La Busa Alla Torre restaurant in Murano island

Friday, Sep. 9th

  • GALLERIE DELL’ACCADEMIA: Anish Kapoor exhibition (part 1) –
  • Contemporary Art Biennale “The Milk of Dreams” – guided tour of the Giardini Area
  • Lunch at the restaurant “In Paradiso”, a fashionable Venetian Cafè on the canal, just outside the exhibition but inside the Giardini area.
  • PALAZZO FRANCHETTI. Various exhibitions:
    Vampires in space (Biennale Portugal pavilion:
    Antoni Clavé: The Spirit of the Warrior curated by: Aude Hendgen (Director Archives Antoni Clavé)and Sitor Senghor (independent curator)
    – Invitation for a light cocktail and visit to the exhibition – guided by Emmanuel Clavé, grandson of the artist and head of ACP Palazzo Franchetti, with his son Antoine Clavé
  • Shabbat Dinner and visit of the private art collection hosted by Maria Camilla and Alfredo Bianchini in their residence on Campo San Polo. Mr. Bianchini is also the President of Fondazione Vedova, which we will visit on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, Sep. 10th